
Thursday, July 24, 2008

A Strawberry Daiquiri Day!

I'm glad you've come to visit me again!!

Today, was a pretty exciting day for me, let me tell you about it. First off, Mimi came to visit me today. When she got there, I was relaxing, like I normally do. Ya know.....sleeping!!

I enjoy my sleep, but I really do a whole lot less of it these days. Each nap gets longer, but there are fewer naps these days...ahh back in the day! However, life is getting exciting. I'm seeing new things all the time, so I have to stay awake for them.

Like today, I SWEAR I saw a bug..on my nose! Take a you see it??

It wasn't long till I was awake and Mom was telling me all the things we were going to do today.

Mom called it a Daiquiri Day! (whatever that meant!) All I know is we were going out on the town today! (yesterday we went to my moms old workplace, wow! two exciting days in a row!)
So I had to get ready, get fed and get a diaper change. The necesseties of life ya know!

First there was the diaper change.........

then I had to get fed first...feeding me is a priority ya know!

...Then it was time to get in to the car seat and get strapped in.

Are you SURE it's not nap time??

No, seriously, I was ready to go!
So here we are at the restaurant and I understand what a Daiquiri Day is now, cuz Mom got one to drink with her lunch. It was all pinkish red, she said it was Strawberry. (guess I'll taste it later!) What if I don't like it?

I did have one bad part to my day, after the lunch with Mimi and Mom and then the shopping, we got back home and I was HUNGRY! (again) But my bottle wasn't ready yet, and I had to wait a few minutes. I don't like waiting! So I did pout about it a little!

I think I'll have to start a movement, go on strike or something about late bottles.



You think it'll work?

Well, I'm glad you stopped by to visit with me again and share in my Daiquiri day! Come back and visit soon, you never know what we may get into next week!!

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