
Thursday, July 31, 2008

Look..I'm in the movies!

Mimi got this little video of me hoping I would laugh for the camera..fooled her! LOL, but it's still a cute shot or two, so enjoy.....'I'm a STAR!"

It was a 'Rita' Day!

Wow, it's been almost a week! I'm back with new pictures. This week, was a 'Rita' week..that's short for Margarita's if you didn't know :)
Mom and Mimi love mexican food, so we went to out to MEXICAN again, you know what I had to say about this right??


......and this time..I even sat up at the table for a little bit. Check this out!
Of course, I had to have help sitting there, so Mom kept hold to me. I made my order though.
I'll have what Mimi's having, Rita and Rocks!

I didn't like that either!! (just kidding, I really didn't get to taste it..

I'm starting to smile and laugh a lot more, just mom coming to talk to me will make me smile. She says funny things. (Don't tell her I said that though, cuz I like what she says to me)

I like to look around nowadays...there is so much to see!! All the different colors, the people, wow! It's a big world out there to me right now!

While we were at the restaurant, someone started telling a joke, I was listening, hard...
It's a long joke, but I can tell the punch line is coming, wait for it....................

(hehehehehehehe) ...................HAHAHAHAH!! That was a funny joke!!

After lunch, mom ran in the store (twice!) then we went home. It was time for my nap then! I watched mom get my bottle ready...........

...........gave a big yawn........

Then laid my head down on Mimi's shoulder. It was a big day for me.........and time for my nap!

I'll see you again next week when you visit again. (you will be here right?)
Next week, I'm sure we'll eat lunch somewhere else..maybe PIZZA! I think I'd like pizza.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Daiquiri Day Slide Show

A Strawberry Daiquiri Day!

I'm glad you've come to visit me again!!

Today, was a pretty exciting day for me, let me tell you about it. First off, Mimi came to visit me today. When she got there, I was relaxing, like I normally do. Ya know.....sleeping!!

I enjoy my sleep, but I really do a whole lot less of it these days. Each nap gets longer, but there are fewer naps these days...ahh back in the day! However, life is getting exciting. I'm seeing new things all the time, so I have to stay awake for them.

Like today, I SWEAR I saw a bug..on my nose! Take a you see it??

It wasn't long till I was awake and Mom was telling me all the things we were going to do today.

Mom called it a Daiquiri Day! (whatever that meant!) All I know is we were going out on the town today! (yesterday we went to my moms old workplace, wow! two exciting days in a row!)
So I had to get ready, get fed and get a diaper change. The necesseties of life ya know!

First there was the diaper change.........

then I had to get fed first...feeding me is a priority ya know!

...Then it was time to get in to the car seat and get strapped in.

Are you SURE it's not nap time??

No, seriously, I was ready to go!
So here we are at the restaurant and I understand what a Daiquiri Day is now, cuz Mom got one to drink with her lunch. It was all pinkish red, she said it was Strawberry. (guess I'll taste it later!) What if I don't like it?

I did have one bad part to my day, after the lunch with Mimi and Mom and then the shopping, we got back home and I was HUNGRY! (again) But my bottle wasn't ready yet, and I had to wait a few minutes. I don't like waiting! So I did pout about it a little!

I think I'll have to start a movement, go on strike or something about late bottles.



You think it'll work?

Well, I'm glad you stopped by to visit with me again and share in my Daiquiri day! Come back and visit soon, you never know what we may get into next week!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A wonderful Monday!

Wow, I had visitors again today!

My Uncle Niel , Aunt Ashley & Mimi came to my house to visit me!

Uncle Niel and Aunt Ashley have traveled all the way from New York....remember!?? Wow, it was an exciting visit.

We went out to lunch......
had some chat time outside in the yard......

played on my mat.....

Aunt Ashley even got to feed me!

This is the life let me tell ya.

I'm working on my six pack...wait, maybe it's only a 4 pack right now! I'm doing my exercise here, trying reach my toe......not quite yet!

When mom was holding me, I kept peeking over her shoulder to see Uncle Niel and Aunt Ashley.

I won't see them again for a long time, probably about a year and by then, I'll be walking and talking and then, they'll have a baby I can play with! (Maybe we can play on my mat together.)
Their time was up and they had to leave. Everyone hugged and said goodbye.. I will miss them, but they can visit me here and watch me grow, and then when their baby is born, I can visit too!
Come back soon because I love visitors!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Can you guess?

While Mimi was looking through some pictures the other day, she got one out that sure did resemble someone I knew! was my mom, when she was about 4 months old. She was a cutie too!! Take a look.
Do we look alike??

Let's see here now, here's a few shots put together side by side. Mom is a bit older then me at the time,'s always possible that I did get her lips. (and those chubby cheeks!)

Just for fun! Thought you might like to see! Come visit me again soon!
My Uncle Niel and Aunt Ashley will be visiting me on Monday before they head back to NY. Wow, the next time I see them, they will have a small baby of their own! I can't wait to play!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

My first 4th of July Party!


I had a great time this weekend!
My family had a 4th of July party and I was in attendance! Everyone was visiting this weekend and I got to meet new people!

Mom and I surprised the family by getting to the party a whole day early! We went to Mimi's on Friday instead of Saturday. I got to meet my Uncle Niel and Aunt Ashley (she has the same name as my mom!)
I really wasn't sure who this was, but Mom whispered and told me this was my Uncle Niel.
And here is my Aunt Ashley. She's pretty! And guess what? She's gonna have a baby too! I'll have a cousin soon that will only be about 5 months younger then me. That means we can play together someday!
This was a big weekend for Uncle Niel and Aunt Ashley, they were having their baby shower on the same day we were having our 4th of July party!

Mom and I stayed that night at Mimi's house and the next day was my big family debut! So that morning, I got the royal treatment in the form of my first bubble bath. I've never had a bubble bath before!

HEY!! I'm naked here! Watch that camera shot will ya!

Aren't bubble baths for GIRLS? I'm not sure about this!

I liked those bubbles though, they felt very different then my regular baths.

Yeah, I think I could get used to this bubble bath thing!

When the bath was over, they wrapped me up in my towel, I wasn't ready to get out yet!

But, it's all good, I looked a little like a Pharaoh while I was all wrapped and warm, but hey, I told you I was getting the royal treatment and this is how you treat a Pharaoh right?

Well, you already know I love to sleep. Give me a Kingly bubble bath, the warm weather like we had and a nice bed to relax in and what's going to happen?? Yep, nap away I did! The party going on all around me, and I'm out cold!

I woke once in a while for visitors and family to hold me.

Here's a picture of my mom! I think she is so pretty!

I even had visitors from Virginia. Here's another pretty lady, Manda, my cousin holding me.

The day was an exciting one, lots of people to see and things for us to do. We stayed at Mimi's again that night too! Mom and I were up the next morning (we slept in a little bit) and getting ready to go home. I wasn't sure I was too happy about this..I kept asking mom...Are you sure we have to go?

She insisted that we had to...I was sad.

That's not all of my weekend, but it's all I have time to tell you about right now. I hope you enjoyed sharing a little bit of my 4th of July with me. Come visit again soon! We'll hang out together!