
Friday, January 2, 2009

Santa was good to me!

Hi Everyone!

Just thought I'd stop in real quick and show you what I've been up to for the past week!

I got all dressed up for a party on Christmas day! It was a private party, invitation only! (meaning, just me, Mom & Dad and Aiden, my furbrother)

Of course, Santa had come already and left the party early, but boy oh boy did he leave me lots of goodies!

Mom & Dad let me try on the 'Santa' hat..I guess I'll have to grow into it, but someday I will!

I watched my family doing things about the house...and I tell you, they are some FUNNY people! They make me laugh!
Watching Mom take pictures of should see her trying to get me to smile.....

Now, that was FUNNY stuff!

Of course, I'm pretty funny myself sometimes, like when I was 'talking on my invisible phone'..!

"I'll take a large pizza with go!"

HAHAHA! I crack me up!

Anyway..we had a great Christmas and now wow, it's a new year already! Man...I haven't been here long it seems, but a year has already come and gone!
IN A SNAP...the time sure does fly!

Come visit me again soon!! I'm sure I'll have more smiles and jokes to share soon.

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