
Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Boy did I have a special visitory yesterday! All the way from California, my Gramps! My moms dad caught a big ol plane and came all the way out here just to see me! Now, I know I'm special!

How bout that, he's holding me! He's a tall guy...I was way up in the air when he was holding me! WOW!
He's going to be here today as well, how cool is that?

Ohhh, I haven't shown you my new room have I?? Well, Mom and Dad have it just about finished, all except a wallpaper boarder they say, but right now, it's the coolest to me. Let me show you!
Here's a before shot, it's not a real good color for me, honest. After Mom and Dad painted it, and got it all fixed, Izzy and Jake had to check it out before Mom puts me in it. THEY had to make sure it was ok ya know!

And I guess it was, cuz mom let me lay (for a little while) in my new bed the other day! It was so cool! I enjoyed it, but Izzy didn't like that she couldn't see me very well, so they had to adjust things so Izzy could keep her eye on me. She's my protector.

Oh, yeah, back to the room, sorry bout that. I've got a jungle theme going on in here, and I think I kinda like it. Giraffs, lions and tigers and BIG BEARS!! Look at that bear will you, he's 10x's bigger then me!

He's almost as tall as my bed and he's sitting down!
I can imagine one day using him for a full body pillow! (jumping up and down on him, rolling around on the floor, my wrestling partner!)

Here's my changing table, it's like a private bathroom for me. It's cool. Mom and Dad still have a few things to do in the room, just for decoration though.

I now officially have my OWN room now. And trust me, it's a LOT bigger then the condo I just moved from!!

Come visit me again soon! We can play with that big bear together!

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