
Monday, September 22, 2008

Welcome to the Jungle!

Today, I thought I'd let you visit with me in my room for a little bit, so


My room has a jungle theme to it. Lots of green here and there, animals everywhere, even a giraffe or two!

I like looking at my's very tall and made of wood. There are a few small ones there too along with several other things on my shelf. Take a look.

Monkey's and bears and pigs..OH MY!!

I've got a jungle border along the top of the room too, but that didn't get into the pictures this time. Every morning I get up and have "First Breakfast"..that's a bottle.

Then, later I get to have second breakfast. That would be..fruit, usually applesauce. Check it out..

 Mom takes me to my room, into the jungle of it all for some exercise!

Mom calls this 'Tummy Time'....I call it..."HARD WORK!" I still haven't made it to that toy yet, but I'll get there some day, I just know I will! I gotta keep trying!
Then, it's real play time. I have a whole lot of stuffed animals that I play with and listen too, they even whisper to me once in a while, telling me jokes and secrets. Take a look at the menagerie!

These are all for lil' ol me!!

They talk to me now, the lion is whispering to me...........shhhh, listen

He's telling me a joke!

LOL..that was a FUNNY FUNNY JOKE! (I can't tell you though, it's a secret between me and the lion!)

Shhh..wait, he's telling me something else, hold on a minute.........

MOM!! You know what that lion just told me?? Mimi's taking us to lunch today, and you'll never guess where?? One of our favorite places.......LITTLE ITALY! WOW!!Little Italy means.......OLIVE GARDEN!! YUM!!!

Hey Mom!!! Can I take all my friends with me?? I'm sure they'd love to see Little Italy too! Please!!!

Awwww....they can't go really?? How sad!

I'll have to break the news to them gently...

We had a wonderful time at the Olive Garden today, Mom brought plenty of leftovers home with us, she'll eat them later (maybe she'll sneak me a bite too!)

I'm glad you came to visit with me today in my jungle of a room. Maybe next time I'll show you more pictures of my 'jungle'. Come back soon!!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

The past few weeks

Wow, two weeks sure does

Fly by fast when you're busy growing and learning! Lots of new things for me lately. Of course, I've had the weekly visits and lunch trips with Mimi, I've learned to do a few new things..and well gee..I'm just growing by leaps and bounds!

So, what I'll do is just go ahead and post some of these pictures for you and you can watch my last two weeks too!

We've been busy round here just trying out new things. Getting the bubble baths ('m a wee bit spoiled)..and well I think I might even be starting to teethe a bit.